Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hi Everyone!

These are the thoughts of a girl, a collared and owned slave girl. Master calls her His baby girl. When Master met the baby girl, she had two distinct personalities, as many who are littles often do. Since meeting Master, though, the girl has taken the best parts of both personalities and transformed them, realizing the best of the two were her true self. While healing from past traumas, the girl has become a whole person again.
This blog is going to be a chronology of the girl's journey from brand new novice to a well trained slave. But, first, a little history.
In case you are wondering, I am the baby girl. The girl was born out of wedlock to teenage parents who put her up for adoption. The girl was adopted by a wonderful couple. Her parents are a schoolteacher and a cop. Growing up things were easy, the only problem was the girl. You see, she is deaf, born without an eardrum in one ear and a heavily damaged drum in the other. But life went on and the girl flourished. Until that fateful day.
The girl's father ran into the building to try to save other people, others' mothers and fathers, with no thought for his own safety. He is a cop, afterall, sworn to protect and serve the people of New York City. He never came out of that building. The girl feels the events of that day and the feelings deserve their own post, so she will do that at another time.
The girl was frozen on the day before that for many years. It was only this year, on the 10th anniversary, that she has been able to move on and not remain stuck on 9/10/01.
The girl was very close to her father so it was really no wonder that she began her search for a DaddyDom at a young age. After several attempts, the girl found a Master who fits her perfectly. He encourages her to excel at anything she does, He treats her as an adult and an equal, and He has helped her grow and forgive.
The girl has moved past the need for a little. Master has helped her realize the deep seeded issues that caused the little to be there and has helped her become whole again. She no longer needs a DaddyDom.
In this journal, you will witness the growth of a young woman into a mature, respctful, obedient, cherished, and loved slave. Enjoy the ride!

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